• “So, been there, done that, bought the T-shirt, right? Wherever you look nowadays, there is a beard-toting hipster brewing his own batch of craft beer. And, don’t get me wrong, craft beer is amazing, but for the non-beer drinker’s palette, this explosion of South African microbreweries has been a little out of my enjoyment range.

    Trends 2015: Craft ciders

    Finally, there is something to suit the non-beer drinker’s taste. The rise of the craft cider has hit South Africa hard. I’m just loving Sxollie – a taste of golden sunlight, bottled and branded in a simplistic, trendy way.

    For the cider-fanatic keen to explore the world of craft cider, check out the following breweries:

    By Jana Van Wyk, F&HE Marketing Co-ordinator

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