• Soothing teas for the soul and its benefits

    Words by Sjaan van der Ploeg

    Tea has been around for centuries, and since the beginning, people have been taking advantage of its many benefits. Not only does tea calm, soothe, replenish and warm the body, but it also heals the mind. Today we’ll be looking at different teas, their properties and what each can do for you in certain situations.

    Tea contains compounds called polyphenols, which are micronutrients that are naturally found in plants. Polyphenols are known to help maintain a stable blood pressure, they keep your arteries healthy and clean, promote circulation and reduce inflammation. This also leads to a lower risk of diabetes and cancer growth, and an overall longer and healthier life. Polyphenols are found in varying quantities in different teas. Let’s take a look at a few different teas and understand the benefits they can have!


    Green tea

    Green tea has the highest concentration of polyphenols, this is because Green tea leaves are treated after they are picked, resulting in unoxidized tea leaves. This means that it Green tea is the least processed tea, and contains more antioxidant properties compared to oxidised teas like black tea. It also contains less caffeine than an oxidised tea like black tea.


    Chamomile tea is made from dried chamomile flowers. It is loved for the calming, relaxing and soothing effect it can have. Chamomile aids in sleeping difficulties and reduces muscle spasms and menstrual cramps. It also helps with anxiety as this tea contains no caffeine, so it is perfect for a nighttime ritual.


    Ginger tea is brewed using peeled and chopped ginger root. People usually consume ginger tea to help reduce nausea and ease pain, as it also contains anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger also aids in digestion. Ginger tea is commonly consumed with a dash of cayenne pepper, a squeeze of lemon and a drop of honey to help soothe the symptoms of a cold and sore throat.


    We couldn’t not mention the favourite child. Grown only in South Africa, rooibos is a very versatile herbal tea (no caffeine) that yields itself to being mixed with many other flavours. It pairs well with a classic combination of milk and sugar, or in other tea varieties with vanilla and berries, or shines perfectly just on its own. Rooibos tea also contains polyphenols, these help with inflammation, pain and allergies and even skin health. 

    Jasmine tea

    Interestingly, Jasmine tea is made using green tea leaves and the blossoms of the jasmine bush, which infuse their flavour into the tea. This means that jasmine tea has similar health benefits to normal green tea, just with a more floral taste.


    Buchu tea

    Buchu is another plant from South Africa. It has many incredible qualities and properties that help with issues like inflammation and stomach irritation and is used as an antiseptic for urinary tract infections. The tea can be soothing and warm, and also contains no caffeine.

    As we’ve seen from the information above, drinking tea can help in a multitude of ways, but taking a few minutes out of your day to make yourself a warm cup of tea (no matter the kind) feels like you’re giving your mind a hug. Tea brings out a calm, reflective, quiet energy that we sometimes need to engage with when life is going so fast. Remember to take a few minutes every day to give yourself time to breathe and be present.

    Despite the incredible medicinal qualities that tea may provide, it is still important to visit a doctor or health professional if you are dealing with any serious symptoms or worries. 


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    A food stylist and recipe developer, contributing to Food & Home and other esteemed magazines under Habari Media. I love for creating mouthwatering recipes, I bring culinary visions to life through my work.

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