• Baked sweet potatoes with orange-coriander butter are deliciously soft and creamy. Sweet potatoes not only have a uniquely yummy flavour, they’re also packed with vitamin D, iron and magnesium. Make these tasty spuds even better with a zesty and creamy orange-coriander butter. A wonderful side dish for any meal! 

    Baked sweet potatoes with orange-coriander butter

    Serves: 6
    Cooking Time: 45 mins


    • 6 sweet potatoes
    • Orange-coriander butter

    • 100g farm butter, at room temperature
    • zest of 1 orange
    • 60ml (¼ cup) chopped coriander leaves
    • 1 clove garlic, crushed
    • 1 chilli, chopped (optional)
    • sea salt and freshly ground black
    • pepper, to taste



    For the orange-coriander butter, pound together all of the ingredients until well combined.


    Scrub and prick the sweet potatoes. Bake in a preheated oven or wrap in foil and bake buried in the coals until soft enough to eat.


    Slash the tops and squeeze the sides of the potatoes, add a big spoonful of the flavoured butter and serve.

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