• Cheat’s dark chocolate and pistachio lollies are perfect for the lazy cook. Making your own ice cream from scratch is great but not everybody has the time… A tub of good quality, store-bought ice cream is all you need. These deliciously decadent lollies are perfect for a hot day. 

    Cheat’s dark chocolate and pistachio lollies

    Serves: Makes 8 – 10 mini lollies
    Cooking Time: 10 mins + 2 – 3 hrs to chill + overnight to freeze


    • 1L good quality vanilla ice cream
    • 3 x 90g dark chocolate, roughly chopped
    • 125ml (½ cup) crushed, unsalted pistachios
    • wooden ice-cream sticks



    Allow the ice cream to soften then fill mini ice-lolly moulds. Place a wooden ice-cream stick into each mould.


    Place in the freezer for 2 – 3 hours or until hard.


    Melt the chocolate and set aside to cool.


    Remove the lollies from the moulds and dip into the melted chocolate. Sprinkle with ground pistachios. Place on baking or wax paper and lay flat in the freezer for 2 hours or until frozen and hard.


    Cook's tip: Ground cashew nuts are also delicious. Try a combination of melted white chocolate and ground hazelnuts. Plastic ice-lolly moulds are available at speciality stores but if you cannot find any, simply use dariole moulds.

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