• Green tea ice cream contains a well-known nutritional giant, so it must be healthy. This dish is simply delightful. Green tea gives the dreamy ice cream an refreshing earthiness, as well as a beautiful colour.  

    Green tea ice cream

    Serves: 8
    Cooking Time: 3 hrs


    • 1,5 litres milk
    • 70g milk powder
    • 170g butter
    • 125ml (½ cup) glucose
    • 60g green tea powder (available from Asian supermarkets and health stores)
    • 3 large egg yolks
    • 340g sugar
    • 2 gelatine leaves, soaked in a little warm water



    Combine the milk, milk powder, butter, glucose and tea in a pot and bring to the boil. Remove from the heat and leave to cool to room temperature.


    In a heatproof bowl, whisk together the egg yolks and sugar. Stir in the cooled milk and place on the stove over a saucepan of boiling water. Heat gently, stirring continuously, until it reaches 83°C (use a cooking thermometer).


    Remove from the heat, stir in the soaked geltine leaves and allow the mixture to cool.


    Transfer to an ice-cream churner and freeze for at least 5 hours, or pour into a tray and freeze, stirring every hour to break up the ice crystals.


    Serve with chopped pistachio nuts or decoration of your choice.


    To drink: Green tea is probably the right choice. If anything else, try a bubbly, possibly a demi-sec such as Graham Beck Bliss.

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