• Perfect for the Sunday night movie!

    Lavender and rosemary popcorn

    Serves: 4
    Cooking Time: 15 mins


    • 50ml cooking oil
    • 200g popcorn kernels
    • 10 sprigs fresh lavender + extra, to garnish
    • 10 sprigs fresh rosemary + extra, to garnish
    • 15g smoked salt



    Heat the oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add the popcorn kernels, cover and cook until there are 3-second intervals between the popping popcorn, about 5 minutes. Remove from heat and tip the popcorn into a large bowl.


    Place the lavender, rosemary and smoked salt in a pestle and mortar and grind to a fine rub. Sprinkle over the popcorn and give it a good toss. Garnish with extra sprigs of lavender and rosemary and serve immediately.



    Imka Webb is a freelance digital marketing expert and the digital editor of Food & Home Entertaining magazine.  www.imkawebb.com

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