• The Cracker Lekker, brainchild of SohBar liquid chefs Andries Volschenk and Anthony Wingfield, is sure to be unlike anything you’ve ever tasted before. This unique drink is full of wonderfully fragrant ingredients which blend together beautifully. The perfect drink for a lazy summer evening.

    You’ll need SohBar simple syrup for this cocktail. Recipe here.

    Cracker Lekker

    Serves: 1
    Cooking Time: 5 mins


    • SohBar cinnamon and rosemary syrup

    • 5 cinnamon sticks
    • 950ml SohBar simple syrup (link in description)
    • 60ml (¼ cup) fresh rosemary
    • Cocktail

    • 100ml pear and cranberry purée
    • 25ml coconut milk
    • 37,5ml (2½ tbsp) SohBar cinnamon and rosemary syrup
    • dash orange bitters
    • dash black walnut bitters
    • pinch black pepper
    • fresh rosemary, to garnish
    • 1 cinnamon stick, to garnish
    • 25ml cold slow-drip coffee, to serve (see Cook’s Tip)



    For the SohBar cinnamon and rosemary syrup, place the cinnamon sticks in a pestle and mortar and grind to a semi-fine powder. Add the powder and remaining ingredients to a pot and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat immediately and simmer, 25 minutes.


    Remove from heat and allow to rest overnight. Strain and decant into a sterilised glass bottle. This will keep for up to 2 weeks, unrefrigerated and sealed.


    For the cocktail, add the purée, coconut milk, syrup and both bitters to a cocktail shaker. Fill the shaker with cubed ice and shake vigorously.


    Strain the cocktail into a short glass filled with ice and garnish with rosemary and a cinnamon stick. Serve the coffee on the side, to be added by guests as they wish.


    Cook's tip: As an alternative to cold slowdrip coffee, one could use cold espresso. But do bear in mind espresso will be more bitter than cold slow-drip coffee.