• Imagine dining like the sun-soaked coastal regions of Spain, Portugal, and Greece. The Mediterranean diet has long been celebrated for its incredible health benefits, from reducing the risk of heart disease, diabetes and some cancers, to keeping the waistline in check.

    The Mediterranean diet isn’t just a meal plan; it’s a way of life! This diet is all about filling your plate with colorful fruits and veggies, hearty whole grains, legumes, and, of course, healthy fats. Olive oil is often hailed as the star of the show, but here’s where another healthy fat hero – the avocado – steps in.

    Ola, Avos!

    While avocados might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of the Mediterranean, this luxurious green fruit ticks all the boxes to be a part of this health-supporting diet. Packed with heart-healthy monounsaturated fats (the same kind you find in olive oil), avocados are a delicious way to get your daily dose of good fats. In fact, just one serving of avocado contains 5 grams of these praised healthy fats. Most of which is oleic acid: the very same fatty acid that gives olive oil its claim to fame.

    Image: Pexels

    There’s more: Avocados are bursting with fibre, potassium, and folate, nutrients essential for keeping your body in tip-top shape. Fun fact: avocados have more fibre, potassium, and folate than olive oil and are even a bit lower in energy (kilojoules) per serving. So, if you’re looking to mix up your Mediterranean meals, avocados are a great way to go.

    Avos + Mediterranean Diet = Match Made in Food Heaven

    It’s pretty clear that including avocados into your Mediterranean diet is a no-brainer. Avos don’t just fit the nutritional profile of this way of eating perfectly, but also add a creamy texture and rich flavour to make your meals even more magical. Whether you’re spreading avocado on wholegrain toast, adding slices to summer salads, or blending into a breakfast smoothie, avocados can bring a new level of deliciousness to your Mediterranean-inspired dishes.

    Image: Pexels

    So, next time you’re whipping up a Mediterranean meal, don’t forget to invite an avocado to the party. It’s a tasty, healthy, and oh-so-satisfying way to keep you feeling good and living well. 

    Try these Mediterranean-inspired recipes to include avocado as part of your day:

    For further information and avo recipes, visit www.avocado.co.za , like us on Facebook @iloveavocadoSA and follow us on Instagram @iloveavossa. 

    ALSO SEE: Avocado tourism: How the ‘green gold’ is shaping local travel experiences

    Avocado tourism: How the ‘green gold’ is shaping local travel experiences

    Image: Pexels

    Press release supplied by Protactic Strategic Communications for South African Avocado Growers’ Association (SAAGA).