Print Recipe Smoked paprika and mango chicken Serves: 4 Cooking Time: 1 hour + 6 hours, to marinate Ingredients 150g (1½ cups) mango, peeled, pitted and roughly chopped 180ml (¾ cup) fresh coriander + extra, to serve 30ml (2 tbsp) fresh lemon juice 30ml (2 tbsp) unseasoned rice wine vinegar 15ml (1 tbsp) canola oil
In line with its vision to restore, share and safeguard its legacy, elegantly renovated Cape Dutch labourer cottages invite guests to enjoy all this magnificent estate has to…
Print Recipe Mini savoury crème fraîche flapjack cups topped with pulled pork and apple slaw Serves: 4 – 6 Cooking Time: 1 hr 30 mins Ingredients Flapjacks 250g LANCEWOOD Cultured Cream 2 eggs, beaten 500g cake flour, sifted 450ml full-cream milk salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste Pulled pork 1kg boneless pork shoulder