Annica has a reputation for beautiful cakes for special occasions. She also offers catering services and runs Annica’s in The Michelangelo Towers in Sandton, Johannesburg. For more information…
Print Recipe Penne primavera Serves: 4 Cooking Time: 50 mins Ingredients SAUCE 300g Rosa tomatoes, quartered 5 spring onions, finely sliced 60ml (¼ cup) fresh flat-leaf parsley, chopped 60ml (¼ cup) fresh oregano, chopped 45ml (3 tbsp) fresh basil, chopped juice of ½ lemon salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste 250ml (1 cup)
Print Recipe Crepe cones with crème fraîche and seasonal berries Serves: 10 Cooking Time: 30 minutes + 1 hour refrigeration Ingredients 2 large eggs 180ml (¾ cup) milk 125ml (½ cup) water 120g (1 cup) cake flour 45ml (3 tbsp) melted butter butter, for coating the pan 250g crème fraîche fresh seasonal berries, to serve
Print Recipe Three-cheese tart with berry coulis Serves: 1 large or 6 small tarts Cooking Time: 1 hour Ingredients SHORTCRUST PASTRY 120g (½ cup) butter 180g (1,5 cups) cake flour 1 large egg ice water 3 sprigs fresh rosemary, finely chopped FILLING 1 large egg 1 large egg yolk 250ml (1 cup) fresh cream pinch
It’s best to use a nice free-range or organic chicken for this dish, or the best quality bird you can afford. I love the idea of the tasty vegetables in…
Print Recipe Smoked trout with couscous salad Serves: 2 Cooking Time: 1 hour Ingredients BRINE 1L (4 cups) water 125ml (½ cup) coarse salt 2 fresh trout 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped 30ml (2 tbsp) fresh dill, chopped 30ml (2 tbsp) olive oil COUSCOUS SALAD 375ml (1½ cups) water a pinch of salt 20g (2
Receip from Somewhere Over the Kitchen by Beatrix Horváth-Gallai SOMEWHEREOVERTHEKITCHEN.BLOGSPOT.COM Beatrix Horváth-Gallai is an architect living in Hungary who has fallen in love with cooking and food photography…