Hummus with falafel is a great vegetarian snack to serve when you are entertaining guests. It is also delicious as a light lunch or dinner. This recipe only…
Quick and easy fishcakes These quick and easy fishcakes are ideal for dinner. We used tinned tuna to make this recipe. PREP & COOK TIME 30 minutes |…
White coffee and coconut ice cream CELEBRATE WORLD COFFEE DAY . Try this White coffee and coconut ice cream .The wonderful trick to this ice cream is that…
Lamb Knuckle and Apricot Stew Hearty and meaty – this lamb knuckle and apricot stew is perfect for the colder winter months. Make it for Sunday lunch and…
Warm rooibos and raspberry cocktail A delicious alternative to the raspberry and rum cocktail we all know and love. They this wonder full winter delight of Warm rooibos and raspberry…