What is Slipper Day?
Slipper Day is an annual Reach For A Dream initiative to raise awareness and funds for children with life-threatening illnesses. According to the website, the vision of Reach For A Dream is to “encourage children to use their dreams to fight life-threatening illnesses and we try, as far as possible, to make these dreams come true. Our vision is to grow the Foundation to enable us to continue giving hope to children fighting life-threatening illnesses through the fulfillment of their dreams and making our national projects available to as many of the children as we can, the projects include: Camp Sunshine, Queen for a Day, Captain Courage, Show You Care Send A Bear and the Jabulani Kingdom Hospital entertainers which function on an ongoing basis.”

When is Slipper Day 2019?
This year, Slipper Day will take place on the 10th of May 2019.
How can I participate in Slipper Day?
To take part in Slipper Day 2019, all you need is a R10 wristband to wear your favourite slippers to school, work, university, gym, the shops or just around the house. You can purchase your wristband from any Pick n Pay, Wimpy or Dis-Chem store or any of the Reach For A Dream branches.

Wearing your R10 wristband and slippers will also get you a free coffee (or hot chocolate for kids under 12) from Wimpy on Slipper Day, 10 May 2019.

Over the last three decades, The Reach For A Dream Foundation has positively touched over 3 million lives. The fulfilment of these dreams inspires hope and courage in the dreamer and helps them believe that tomorrow is worth fighting for.
“Fulfilling dreams give parents hope, and inspire children to believe in the power of what a dream can do” – Julia Sotirianakos, CEO, Reach For A Dream

Encourage your office, school, friends and family to take part in Slipper Day 2019.
Visit http://www.reachforadream.org.za or contact Gift Mobe on +27 11 880 1740 to purchase your own funky pair of slippers to show off this Slipper Day 2019 and share your #SlipperDay2019 moments with on social media.