All of us want to do our best and save the planet and the best way to do so is to jump on the sustainability train. The only issue many of us may have with amending our lifestyles to be more sustainable is the price tag that comes with it.
What does it mean to eat sustainably?
According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) eating sustainably means that the food we consume has been produced in a way that doesn’t threaten wildlife, has minimal impact on nature and the environment at large, and reduces the amount of food waste.
Here are some tips to help you eat more sustainably on a budget:
Choose seasonal ingredients
Choosing local, seasonal ingredients means that the ingredients had a shorter travel time from the supplier, which also contributes to cutting down carbon emissions and has an impact on the environment. Buying fresh goods from a local supplier also means that you support and contribute to the local economy.
Cut down on animal products
The animal farming industry is a major contributor to the detriment of the planet, which is why it’s important to increase your plant consumption. Decreasing your meat consumption and increasing your plant consumption, will slash your food costs, as the price of meat is significantly more than plant products. Swap out your meat and fish for plant-based proteins such as beans and lentils. When you do eat animal products, ensure that they are farmed ethically and look for free-range products.

Opt for canned foods over processed foods
Canned foods are not only inexpensive but also a great way to ensure lower wastage as they last longer and if you don’t finish some of it, it is easy to store and refrigerate for a later moment. Processed foods on the other hand, emit more carbon just to produce them and due to their lower nutritional value, it requires you to consume more in order to feel full.
Eat in
Eating in means that you can control the ingredients that you consume and also choose which suppliers and producers you’re buying from. Restaurants often opt for the most affordable option to buy in bulk and not necessarily the most sustainable.
Pro-tip: if you are cooking for yourself, make sure you close your pots and pans while cooking as it will save electricity and save you money in the long run.
Eating in is much more affordable than eating out, so if you do eat out regularly, challenge yourself to only eat a few times a month. If you are eating out, make sure that you take home any and all leftovers, to reduce food wastage.
ALSO SEE: How our diets impact cholesterol
Article originally published by Garden&Home.
Feature image: Pexels