• What does kindness mean to you? For food rescue and hunger relief organisation SA Harvest, kindness is rescuing food that would otherwise go to waste and delivering it to hungry South Africans all over the country. It means being kind to the earth by ensuring that food that would have ended up in landfill causing damage to the environment through harmful methane gas emissions ends up in hungry tummies instead. SA Harvest has been practising their special brand of kindness since October 2019 and in the last three years of exponentially increased need as a result of Covid lockdowns, they’ve…

    Rooibos poached plum & yoghurt tart Feeling Tarty? Try this incredible and flavourful ode to rooibos, Rooibos poached plum & yoghurt pie.  PREP TIME 1 hour 20 minutes | COOK TIME 50 minutes | SERVES 6-8 INGREDIENTS PASTRY 200 g flour 1 tsp salt 125 g butter 50 g sugar 1 egg  PLUMS 1 ½ cups dessert wine ¾ cup caster sugar 1 vanilla bean, split lengthways (optional) or 5 ml vanilla essence (as the vanilla bean is in the image) 2 Rooibos tea bags 5 (600 g) ripe plums, stones removed, quartered FILLING 2 cups Greek-style double cream yoghurt…

    The humble honey bee has a major impact on our food supply chain. Many of our favourite fruits and veggies are available to us thanks to the bees – from blueberries, raspberries and strawberries to pumpkins, butternuts and carrots, the honey bee is hard at work keeping these crops in our kitchens. That’s why partnerships between businesses like Sappi and Bee Naked Honey Farms play an important role in offering the bees a home to work their magic. Sappi owns and leases 394 000 hectares of sustainably managed forests in South Africa while Bee Naked Honey Farms provide pollination services…

    Watermelon refresher A refreshing summer drink! PREP TIME 1 hour 15 min | SERVES 2 | VEGETARIAN INGREDIENTS 2 hibiscus tea bags 4 cups chopped peeled seedless watermelon  1⁄2 cup fresh mint leaves 1 lime, peeled To serve Sliced watermelon Mint leaves METHOD STAND tea bags in 1 cup (250ml) boiling water in a heatproof jug or bowl for 5 minutes. Refrigerate for 1 hour or until cold. Discard tea bags. PUSH watermelon, mint and lime through a juice extractor into a large jug, adding the mint half way through juicing so that the watermelon pushes it…

    Everyone knows, beautiful presentation makes a meal so much better. It’s why so many of us shamelessly take to our socials whenever we sit down for a gram-worthy meal. I’m guilty of it, you’re probably guilty of it too! There’s no shame in loving beautifully presented food. In fact, I’m rather obsessed with the matter. My foodie obsession always leads me right to Japan. Known for their craftsmanship, Japanese people turn daily activities like skincare and eating into rituals, nurturing every moment with mindfulness, love and appreciation for what they’re doing. The Japanese version of a lunchbox, called bento, is one such…