• “I’m tired of eating food and feeling guilty about it, for me it’s about being able to enjoy a slice of cake or pudding knowing that all the ingredients have a healthy function that my body will benefit from. ” In her recently published cookbook A Healthier Family for Life, expatriate Donna Crous encourages readers to challenge what goes into our food, where our produce comes from and what goes into growing it . She focuses on how real food and natural ingredients can still create colourful, exciting meals that, as well as satiate and offer proper nutrition, also evoke happiness…

    Filled with cutesy notes, boxes of chocolates, red roses and heart-holding teddies, Valentine’s Day is an opportunity to go the extra mile to show the people you love just how much they mean to you. Although it typically acknowledges romantic love, I believe Valentine’s Day is a day for everyone: to celebrate self-love and love for family, friends and pets is equally as important! Whichever boat you’re in, I’ve rounded up 5 delicious cocktails for you to whip up and shower the people that mean the most to you with love. Each made with a different kind of booze (rosé,…

    Making your own ricotta makes this dish all the more delicious. INGREDIENTS Ricotta 3 litres full-cream milk 2 ½ tsp salt 3/4cup white vinegar To serve 1 loaf farm-style bread, sliced 3 tbsp honey Fresh honeycomb Black pepper METHOD Ricotta  Place milk and salt in a large pot. Heat on medium-high until the milk is steaming and barely simmering, ideally 80–85°C. Do not boil. REMOVE the pot from the heat. Add vinegar and stir briefly to incorporate. Let the milk sit undisturbed for 10 minutes to curdle. LINE a fine-mesh sieve with 2–3 layers of cheesecloth or a clean tea…

    Separate your recyclables from your rubbish. That’s the message from Fibre Circle, the producer responsibility organisation (PRO) for the South Africa’s paper and paper packaging sector. On average, 1.1 million tonnes of waste paper are recovered in South Africa annually. Old cardboard boxes and paper bags such as the ones used for online shopping and grocery deliveries are widely used by the paper recycling industry to make new boxes and bags. Used office paper is used to make toilet tissue and newspapers go into the manufacture of egg cartons. While importers and producers of paper and goods in paper packaging…

    Soft, sweet and filled with fruit, these Japanese snacks allow you to be as creative as you like. INGREDIENTS 500 ml long-life whipping cream 3 tbsp icing sugar 1 tsp vanilla essence 4 thick slices white bread 10 strawberries, hulled METHOD WHIP cream with sugar and vanilla to stiff peaks. SPREAD a layer of cream over one slice of bread. Line up three strawberries on their sides from the top left corner of the bread to the bottom right corner, making sure they point in the same direction. Place another two strawberries in the remaining corners, also pointing in the…