Nestled in the historical village of Irene, Centurion, in the heart of Gauteng (South Africa’s economic capital), lies African Pride Irene Country Lodge, a haven of peace and tranquillity. Leave the city buzz behind as you enter the beautiful Oak-lined lane leading up to the lodge’s entrance – immediately creating the feeling of being in the countryside. Relax and unwind at this beautiful property, with lakeside views to rival most paintings and cuisine that takes you on a culinary journey of exquisite aromas and tastes. The award-winning Camdeboo Day Spa at African Pride Irene Country Lodge is an oasis of…
Perfect for a Valentine’s dinner for two. Recipe and styling by Sarah Dall Assisted by Claire Ferrandi Photographs by Dawie Verwey
The sweet and tangy mango is a perfect accompaniment to the rich and salty pork belly. Recipe and styling by Ilanique van Aswegen Photograph by Adel Ferreira
A cold soup, ideal for lazy days and easy entertaining. Recipe and styling by Illanique van Aswegen Photograph by Adel Ferreira
A refreshing and fruity cocktail that is packed with delicious flavours like cucumber water, zesty granadilla, peppery ginger and sweet watermelon. Recipe and styling by Illanique van Aswegen…
Let’s be honest, everyone loves chocolate. We’ve collected some of our favourite chocolate facts for you, some of these you probably didn’t even know about your favourite sweet treat. “Chocolate is comfort without words.” Ursula Kohaupt. The smell of chocolate increases theta brain waves, which helps calm you down. White chocolate isn’t technically chocolate, as it contains no cocoa solids. The world’s largest chocolate bar weighed 5827kg. Eating dark chocolate every day reduces the risk of heart disease. Chocolate has over 600 flavour compounds, while red wine has just 200. Chocolate is bad for dogs and cats and can even kill them. Nutella was invented during World War 2 during a chocolate shortage. An…
Albany Bakeries aims to feed 5 million hungry children in Mzansi! Committed to spreading the spirit of Ubuntu, Albany Bakeries is celebrating school children returning to the classroom…