Orange and ginger-glazed duck with caramelised citrus is a wonderful dish for an elegant dinner or lunch. Don’t be intimidated – duck can actually be straightforward with this…
Humble mashed potatoes are elevated to new heights of style and flavour. What should be a family favourite is so often not done properly. After peeling the boiling starchy (not waxy) potatoes, push them through a drum or fine sieve in small batches while still hot. Return to the saucepan and stir in the butter with a spatula until mixed through, and add a little milk. Do not use a stick blender to mash potatoes as this breaks down the starch too much, causing the mash to turn gluey. All recipes serve 4. Butter and garlic mash Mix 1 crushed…
More purr-lease! This May you can get a free ‘whisker-friendly’ #HillsKittyBowl from participating veterinary outlets, with any bag of Hill’s Science Plan, Ideal Balance or Prescription Diet cat…
Pastry is such a clever little ingredient with a host of uses. Knowing how to make the most of the various pastry options will ensure that simple ideas create the ‘wow factor’, not only in the kitchen but once plated and served. Impress guests with these simple ideas. Puff pastry – Probably the most widely used of all the pastry varieties, this is a light, flaky, leavened pastry containing several layers of butter. It is repeatedly folded and rolled out to produce the lightest of aerated layers. Shortcrust pastry – Based on a half fat to flour ratio, shortening is rubbed…
Gorgeous and remarkably easy, this chocolate tart is the perfect ending to an elegant dinner party. Your guests won’t be disappointed! Recipe by Lila Bultel Photograph by Vanessa…
The first samoosa you fold might seem a bit fiddly, but by the end of the second one you’ll wonder what all the fuss was about. Here’s how…
To make proper curry paste, one should use a pestle and mortar, but if you don’t have one, a blender will do. Soak 10 small dried red chillies in water until soft, then remove and discard the seeds. Combine the chillies with 45ml (3 tbsp) chopped red onions, 2 chopped garlic cloves, 15ml (1 tbsp) chopped fresh ginger, 45ml (3 tbsp) chopped fresh lemon grass, zest of 1 lime, 30ml (2 tbsp) chopped fresh coriander, 5ml (1 tsp) coriander seeds, 5ml (1 tsp)cumin seeds, 2,5ml (½ tsp) fish sauce and salt to taste and pound (or blend) until you have…