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    The chocolate bunny is a classic, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be improved. Why not step up your Easter game and create these creamy, delicious Cinnabunnies? Recipe,…

    Warm butterbeans with dill, mustard and lemon Serves: 2 – 3 Difficulty level: Easy Time: 20 mins Add a drizzle of olive oil to a frying pan and place over low heat. Fry 1 peeled and minced garlic clove, 2 minutes, before adding 15ml (1 tbsp) Dijon mustard and a pinch dried chilli flakes to the pan. Add 2 x 400g tins drained and rinsed butterbeans and stir gently to heat through. Remove from heat and stir through a large handful chopped fresh dill leaves and a good squeeze of lemon juice. Season well with salt and freshly ground black…

    This wine, for that dish So much wine, so little time. Here are some standout wines to try this March, paired with delicious recipes from our magazine. Aeon 2012, R320 Winemaker Rianie Strydom has a way with syrah and she demonstrates her aplomb beautifully with the collection from Haskell Vineyards. Upfront The Aeon 2012 dances with pepper and red cherries aromas, leading onto a palate that hits all the taste receptors, from savoury to sweet-and-sour, with a lengthy finish that makes it perfect for food pairing (and well, lengthy dinners!). Pair with: Tomato, mince and Parmesan baked gnocchi WIN –…