Braaied whole fish with fennel and caper butter Who says a Christmas feast requires toiling in front of a hot stove in smouldering South African summer heat? With…
Roasted porchetta with pear and pine nut stuffing is guaranteed to melt in your mouth. Porchetta is known for its signature savoury softness. This rich Italian meat dish is absolutely delicious with delicate pears and earthy pine nuts. A great main for a dinner party.
Cherries contain fibre, protein, vitamins A and C, antioxidants and carotenoids. Among other health benefits, cherries relieve symptoms of arthritis and inflammation; lower the risk of heart disease,…
To stand a chance to win this Mellerware Optima Table Blender with Anchor Yeast, simply complete the entry form below. Competition closes 31 December 2016. Terms and conditions apply.
This festive season the Ferrero Group has even more reason to celebrate. The globally famed, premium confectionery company celebrates 70 years of crafting fine chocolate delights for families around the world, while successfully expanding the family business into over 160 countries. This week the team of the Michele Ferrero Entrepreneurial Project in South Africa gathered to commemorate the company’s milestone in true Ferrero fashion – a delightful celebration with all employees, their families and created especially for the kids. From a pastry shop in Alba (Italy) where it all began, Ferrero Group is now the third largest company among the…