• It’s important to be patient when allowing the dough to rise in stages, because it is during this proving process that the bubbles are formed which make the bread light.

    Print Recipe Chessboard tea cakes (Lamingtons and coconut ice) Serves: 12 Cooking Time: 45 minutes + extra for setting Ingredients Lamingtons 1 day-old sponge loaf cake 480g (4 cups) icing sugar 80ml (1/3 cup) unsweetened cocoa powder 125ml (½ cup) milk 30ml (2 tbsp) butter 240g (3 cups) desiccated coconut Coconut ice 450g sugar 150ml
    Print Recipe Caesar salad Serves: 4 Cooking Time: 10 mins Ingredients DRESSING 2 large egg yolks 3 anchovy fillets 2 garlic cloves 125ml (½ cup) olive oil 15ml (1 tbsp) Worcestershire sauce 15ml (1 tbsp) fresh lemon juice Instructions 1 To make the dressing, place the egg yolks, anchovies and garlic in a blender. With