• Use your imagination and fill your croissants with exciting and delicious ingredients. These fillings are also great for sandwiches. Ingredients: • Brie, sliced turkey, onion marmalade and fresh…

    RUDI’S TIPS • The eggs are pasteurised when the hot milk mixture is poured over the egg mixture. • For chocolate ice cream, stir 180g melted dark chocolate into the mixture before it is strained. • For coffee ice cream, replace the vanilla seeds with about 70g finely ground coffee beans. • For raspberry ice cream, simmer 250g frozen raspberries and 80g castor sugar together until the sugar has dissolved. Remove from the heat and add 5ml (1 tsp) lemon juice. Strain, then cool and fold it into the churned ice cream. • Once the mixture has been heated it…

    Print Recipe Warm, roasted cauliflower salad Serves: 4 Cooking Time: 55 minutes Ingredients ROASTED CAULIFLOWER olive oil, to fry and roast 2 blanched cauliflower heads salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste 60g butter 100ml water 30ml (2 tbsp) sugar 30ml (2 tbsp) white wine vinegar 1 star anise 5ml (1 tsp) coriander seeds

    Tomatoes are at their best during the late summer months. Perfectly ripe and sweet, I like to enjoy them just as they are, with no more than a…