• Print Recipe Smoked paprika and mango chicken Serves: 4 Cooking Time: 1 hour + 6 hours, to marinate Ingredients 150g (1½ cups) mango, peeled, pitted and roughly chopped 180ml (¾ cup) fresh coriander + extra, to serve 30ml (2 tbsp) fresh lemon juice 30ml (2 tbsp) unseasoned rice wine vinegar 15ml (1 tbsp) canola oil

    Ever the dedicated follower of fashion, The Maslow’s upmarket Lacuna Bistro is on trend with its new selection of meal options for dedicated Banting followers.The Banting meal of the day changes daily, and followers of this low-carb, gluten free, high fat eating trend can speak to their server to find out what is available. The Banting meal options include: Chicken Ballontine, a succulent chicken fillet rolled in Parma ham, stuffed with feta and served with a creamy, pepper sauce. Aubergine Cannelloni, sumptuous Aubergine wrapped around cream cheese, pine kernels, smoked salmon and grilled courgette, ferned on wilted spinach, and topped…