These pears have been poached in sweet, white muscadel for a lovely golden colour, but you can also use a red muscadel for a pinker shade.
This is a great recipe for a crowd. It looks impressive when brought to the table straight from the oven, and is just as beautiful sliced thickly and plated. Delicious served hot or cold with crusty bread.
This recipe is great for showing off the shapes and colours of your tomatoes. It might seem a bit strange to use butter instead of olive oil in a tomato sauce, but it helps thicken the sauce without having to cook the tomatoes down to a pulp –and it tastes pretty good too!
Baileys cheesecakes topped with candied orange peel are spiked little sensations. Baileys is a deliciously creamy liquer, so these cheesecakes just become even silkier than normal with this…
Good old-fashioned lemon curd. This recipe comes to us via Craig Hibbert, ex-pastry chef at The Palace Hotel, Sun City.
I found this at The Radium Beer Hall in Johannesburg and I love it. Thank you to Manuel, and to Artemis for managing to pass the recipe on to me. Manny says to use a good, fairly strong beer with character because that’s what will end up on your plate.
Cook’s tips: • Remove the grill racks from a Weber, open the vents and make a fire in the bowl. Place the potjie on the fire once it’s burning at a low heat – the hot air will circulate around the potjie resulting in even cooking. If you don’t want to make a fire you can place the potjie on a gas hob. • Instead of chicken stock you can also make stock from the off-cuts of the guinea fowl if you’re using a whole bird. • Pasta noodles or dried fruit are great added to the top of the…
This Anglo-Indian fusion was a feature on many breakfast sideboards as it was a great way to use up leftovers. It’s authentic when made with smoked haddock. To…