Recipe by Angela Ridge
Print Recipe Pan-fried sesamecrusted feta with honey, caperberries and basil Serves: 4 Cooking Time: 20 mins Ingredients 100g cake flour 5ml (1 tsp) smoked paprika salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste 600g Greek feta 1 egg, beaten with a pinch of salt 50g sesame seeds 50ml olive oil honey, to drizzle small handful
Quinoa has its origins in the Andean region of Ecuador, Bolivia, Colombia and Peru. A grain-like crop, used primarily for its seeds and closely related to the beetroot…
Print Recipe Coconut and vanilla wraps with chocolate, banana and nuts By Robyn Timson – Serves: 8 Cooking Time: 1 hour Ingredients Coconut and vanilla wraps 1 x basic wrap recipe here, using 125ml (½ cup) coconut milk instead of water 40g (½ cup) desiccated coconut 5ml (1 tsp) vanilla seeds 15ml (1 tbsp) flour