• Quick and easy, perfect for a romantic picnic.

    Recipe by Pia-Alexa Duarte

    Photograph by Toby Murphey

    Creamy vanilla and buttery ginger cookie cheesecakes

    Serves: 6
    Cooking Time: 30 mins


    • BASE

    • 1 x 200g packet ginger-nut biscuits
    • 45g butter, melted

    • 3 x 230g tubs plain cream cheese
    • 250ml (1 cup) fresh cream
    • 160g castor sugar
    • 5ml (1 tsp) vanilla extract
    • 200g fresh assorted berries, to garnish (optional)



    For the base, crush the biscuits into rough pieces and toss with the butter. Divide three-quarters of the mixture between 6 small glass jars, reserving some for serving.


    For the filling, place all of the ingredients in a mixing bowl and beat until fluffy and well combined, 4 – 5 minutes. Spoon the mixture among the jars, top with the reserved biscuit mixture and garnish with fresh berries, if desired. Seal the jars with their lids and refrigerate until needed.


    This mixture can be made up to 2 days in advance and you can use your favourite biscuits too.

    Imka Webb

    Imka Webb is a freelance digital marketing expert and the digital editor of Food & Home Entertaining magazine.  www.imkawebb.com