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    Print Recipe Plum cake topped with custard Serves: 1 cake Cooking Time: 1 hour 20 mins Ingredients 3 large eggs, separated 130g butter 100g (½ cup) sugar 10ml (2 tsp) lemon zest 120g (1 cup) cake flour 5ml (1 tsp) baking powder 350g plums, pitted and sliced CUSTARD 125ml (½ cup) fresh cream 100g (½
    Print Recipe Chessboard tea cakes (Lamingtons and coconut ice) Serves: 12 Cooking Time: 45 minutes + extra for setting Ingredients Lamingtons 1 day-old sponge loaf cake 480g (4 cups) icing sugar 80ml (1/3 cup) unsweetened cocoa powder 125ml (½ cup) milk 30ml (2 tbsp) butter 240g (3 cups) desiccated coconut Coconut ice 450g sugar 150ml
    Print Recipe Popcorn and marshmallow cake Serves: 1 cake Cooking Time: 20 mins plus overnight for setting Ingredients Base 50ml butter 400g marshmallows 7 cups cooked popcorn Topping 200g marshmallows 500ml (2 cups) cooked popcorn sweets of your choice 80ml (1/3 cup) castor sugar, melted Instructions 1 Line a 20cm tin with silicone paper. 2