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    Print Recipe Greek rum and hazelnut cake Serves: 1 cake Cooking Time: 1 hour Ingredients CAKE 500g hazelnuts, toasted 100g ready-made vanilla cookies, crushed 15ml (1 tbsp) baking powder zest of 1 lemon 8 large eggs, separated 1ml (¼ tsp) cream of tartar 250g (1¼ cups) white sugar 135g butter, melted 100g mixed nuts, toasted
    Print Recipe Country rice cake -torta campagnola Serves: 1 cake Cooking Time: 1 hour 10 mins plus overnight Ingredients 150g unsalted butter 50ml fine breadcrumbs, toasted 100g raisins 30ml (2 tbsp) sweet dessert wine 200ml milk 200ml water 100g sugar grated zest of 2 lemons 2,5ml (½ tsp) salt 180g Arborio rice 100g candied peel,