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    Margie Fallon learnt everything she knows about baking from her mom, Anne. “We still celebrate my mother’s birthday even though she passed away in 2008, and this year,…

    Print Recipe Persimmon-glazed chicken and vegetable pancakes Serves: 15 Cooking Time: 1 hr + 2 hrs to chill Ingredients CHICKEN 2 large persimmons, roughly chopped 10ml (2 tsp) honey 2,5ml (½ tsp) crushed garlic 2,5ml (½ tsp) light soya sauce 2,5ml (½ tsp) rice vinegar 30ml (2 tbsp) brown sugar 10ml (2 tsp) Worcestershire sauce

    This lime velvet cake is a unique spin on traditional red velvet, with even more flavour! The success of this cake lies in the three layers of zesty…