TO DRINK: Paul Cluver Weisser Riesling Noble Late Harvest, elgantly sweet with a tart, apple crunch.
Rooibos milk tart soufflé is a fluffy, light dream. The flavours are beloved by almost every South African, and we try to include them in as many divine…
Make this deliciously light and smooth dessert in one impressive mould to serve at the table, or make things easier by setting the jelly in two individual moulds.
Print Recipe Chocolate panforte di siena Serves: 2 Cooking Time: 30 mins Ingredients 100g butter 330g honey 350g good-quality dark chocolate, chopped 175g cake flour 5g mixed spice 50g cocoa powder 250g dried apricots, chopped 200g dried figs, chopped 300g flaked almonds 100g pistachio nuts 100g icing sugar, for dusting Instructions 1 Preheat the oven