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    Despite their reputation as the staple of starving university students, ramen noodles can be quite delicious when prepared with flair. Beef miso with ramen buns is a Japanese twist…

    Print Recipe Lime and walnut dressing Serves: 100ml Cooking Time: 10 mins Ingredients 50g walnuts, roasted and finely chopped juice of 1 lime 30ml (2 tbsp) walnut oil 5ml (1 tsp) Dijon mustard salt and pepper, to taste 5ml (1 tsp) honey, optional Instructions 1 Whisk all of the ingredients together until combined. Season to
    Print Recipe Seasonal summer goat’s cheese salad with cashew-nut brittle Serves: 4 – 6 Cooking Time: 30 mins Ingredients Brittle 160g castor sugar 160g unsalted cashew nuts Dressing 45ml (3 tbsp) maple syrup 100ml mixed tropical fruit juice small handful fresh thyme leaves 10ml (2 tsp) lemon juice salt and freshly ground black pepper, to