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    Print Recipe Chilled cucumber soup with prawns and minty yoghurt Serves: 4 Cooking Time: 15 mins Ingredients Soup 5 cucumbers, peeled and seeded 300ml thick, Greek-style yoghurt 250ml (1 cup) chicken stock 45ml (3 tbsp) fresh chives, finely chopped 45ml (3 tbsp) fresh mint, finely chopped 10ml (2 tsp) fresh dill, finely chopped salt and

    The Pissaladiere is such a treat from the south of France: sweet caramelised onions with salty anchovies on a bread-dough base. We’ve added tomatoes as they are just so good…

    The wonderful thing about mixed berry sauce, apart from its deliciously tangy flavours, is that you can use it on anything. Spread it on bread, spoon over porridge,…