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    The SoHo Deco is the creation of Joburg’s SohBar liquid chefs Andries Volschenk and Anthony Wingfield. This glamorous and non-alcoholic cocktail is perfect for those who prefer their beverages with a…

    Unlike its more traditional cousin, peppermint eggnog has just enough refreshing bite to make for an unusual but delicious holiday drink. This festive glass of creamy goodness is…

    This sophisticated cocktail comes courtesy of beverage gurus Andries Volschenk and Anthony Wingfield, of Joburg’s SohBar. The basil dahling is just one of their glamorous creations, and is also alcohol-free! Cool…

    Print Recipe Kiwi cumber Serves: 1 Ingredients 4 slices kiwi fruit, peeled, plus 1 to garnish 4 slices cucumber, peeled 20ml sugar syrup 20ml freshly squeezed lime juice 50ml vodka 10ml cloudy apple juice 6 ice cubes Instructions 1 In a cocktail shaker or glass jar with a secure lid, combine the kiwi, cucumber, sugar