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    From cocktail recipes to gourmet milkshakes to punch recipes and decadent hot chocolate recipes there is a drinks recipe for hot and cold weather, both non alcoholic and alcoholic.

    This sophisticated cocktail comes courtesy of beverage gurus Andries Volschenk and Anthony Wingfield, of Joburg’s SohBar. The basil dahling is just one of their glamorous creations, and is also alcohol-free! Cool…

    Print Recipe Glühwein Serves: 6 Cooking Time: 30 mins Ingredients 1L (4 cups) orange juice 660ml (2 bottles) dark craft beer (we used Striped Horse Lager) 3 cloves + extra, to garnish 2 star anise + extra, to garnish 1 cinnamon stick + extra, to garnish 30ml (2 tbsp) sugar orange slices, to garnish (optional)
    Print Recipe Fortified orange wine Serves: about 2 litres Ingredients 1,5 litres good white wine 250ml (1 cup) eau de vie or vodka 200g (1 cup) castor sugar 1 lemon, sliced 2 oranges, sliced 1 strip dried bitter orange peel ½ a stick of cinnamon (optional) Instructions 1 Sterilise a large jar and pour in
    Print Recipe Kiwi cumber Serves: 1 Ingredients 4 slices kiwi fruit, peeled, plus 1 to garnish 4 slices cucumber, peeled 20ml sugar syrup 20ml freshly squeezed lime juice 50ml vodka 10ml cloudy apple juice 6 ice cubes Instructions 1 In a cocktail shaker or glass jar with a secure lid, combine the kiwi, cucumber, sugar
    Print Recipe Ruby grapefruit Serves: 1 Ingredients 4 grapefruit halves, skinned, peeled and chopped 4 mint leaves 10ml pomegranate syrup 15ml honey syrup or runny honey 5ml freshly squeezed lime juice 50ml vodka 15ml grapefruit juice 3 ice cubes 1 strip fresh grapefruit zest, to garnish Instructions 1 In a cocktail shaker or glass jar
    Print Recipe White hot chocolate Serves: 3 Instructions 1 Melt 180ml (¾ cup) white chocolate chips in a saucepan with 875ml (3½ cups) full-cream milk. Whisk together. When warm and melted, remove from heat and add 120ml vanilla vodka. Pour into glasses and top with marshmallows or grated chocolate.