Recipe from the Gemelli feature in our September 2016 issue (pages 94 – 100)
Print Recipe Spicy tripe with baked maizemeal dumplings Serves: 6 Cooking Time: 2 hours 15 minutes + 1 hour 30 minutes, to rest Ingredients Dumplings 310g bread flour, sifted + extra, if needed 10g dried yeast 50ml brown sugar 250g maize meal 100ml boiling water 150ml warm water 2 eggs, lightly beaten 100g butter, softened
Saffron is regarded as king in the spice world and is used generously in Middle Eastern cuisine. Lamb and chicken are often marinated in grated onion with the onion juice – it’s a great tenderiser and has loads of flavour.
TO DRINK: Go for Klein Constantia Riesling 2008, a deliciously dry and concentrated wine made from the real riesling grape.