Print Recipe Chargrilled cep salad (insalata di porcini alla griglia) Serves: 4 Cooking Time: 20 mins Ingredients ½ a garlic clove 2 handfuls fresh flat-leaf parsley 300g porcini mushrooms salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste olive oil, for drizzling ½ a lemon 2 handfuls mixed green salad leaves 5 celery stalks, julienned 50g
This dish makes a great supper served with a green salad. You can cut the richness, if you wish, by using milk instead of fresh cream.
Print Recipe Grilled corn on the cob with Parmesan and a coriander, chilli and garlic butter By Luisa Farelo – Serves: 4 Cooking Time: 25 mins Ingredients Butter 45g butter, softened 1 garlic clove, peeled and crushed 30ml (2 tbsp) fresh coriander, chopped + extra, to garnish zest and juice of 1 lime 1 red
Print Recipe Chargrilled calamari with chilli, lime and parsley and guasacaca By Luisa Farelo – Serves: 4 Cooking Time: 30 mins Ingredients Guasacaca (guacamole) 2 ripe avocados, skins and pips removed and roughly chopped ½ garlic clove, peeled and crushed 20ml (4 tsp) red wine vinegar + extra, if needed dash olive oil small handful
A chilled version of this traditional spiced hot drink.
Try this bonus recipe from our ‘Spring fling’ feature (page 50, September 2015) As the sweet scent of flowers fills the air, the temperature slowly starts to change…