Print Recipe Waterblommetjie and squash soup with garlic and parsley toast Serves: 4 Cooking Time: 1 hour Ingredients SOUP juice of ½ a lemon 600g fresh waterblommetjies 4 gem squash, halved 125ml (½ cup) fresh cream 125ml (½ cup) good-quality vegetable stock, warm 45ml (3 tbsp) butter 1 garlic clove, finely chopped salt and freshly
Print Recipe Crown loaf Ingredients ½ quantity of basic bread dough flour, for dusting 1 large egg, beaten, to glaze milk, to glaze (optional) sesame and poppy seeds, to garnish Instructions 1 Preheat the oven to 200°C. Grease a cake tin. 2 Make your dough according to the recipe on p45 and use half of
The ultimate comfort dish – a delicious and heart-warming tomato soup! Below we share the recipe for the perfect tomato soup that will make your whole family smile! …