Chocolate and chilli is one of those combinations that was probably met with a few raised eyebrows upon being introduced. The two are just a little too different,…
Individual bobotie pots are certainly classically South African. One of the nation’s most popular traditional dishes, the meat is well-seasoned and baked until deliciously tender. It’s especially tasty when served with…
Pears add a great flavour and texture to this classic dessert COOK’S TIP Make sure the custard does not overheat or the eggs will overcook and the custard…
Print Recipe Griddled corn mealie pap Serves: 6 Cooking Time: 40 mins + 1 hr to cool Ingredients 2 whole mealies 330g cooked, stiff mealie pap 45ml (3 tbsp) olive oil + 5ml (1 tsp) extra for greasing 100g fresh flat-leaf parsley, chopped 1 red chilli, seeded and finely chopped 125ml (½ cup) Parmesan, grated
Not strictly a tequila sunrise, but close enough. Although oranges are a winter fruit, we couldn’t resist making a tequila-based summer drink, and we all adore the tang…
Print Recipe No rubbin’ and no rollin’ scones Serves: 12 Cooking Time: 30 mins Ingredients 280g (2 cups) self-raising flour, sifted a pinch of salt 60ml (¼ cup) oil 1 large egg 190ml (¾ cup) milk + extra for brushing GRANADILLA CURD 6 granadillas, pulp and juice 200g (1 cup) sugar juice and zest of 1