• This is a wonderful vegetarian dish or even a quick weeknight stew for the family. It works as a side dish and as a meal on its own.

    Sweet potato and orange casserole

    Serves: 6
    Cooking Time: 1 hour 15 mins


    • 4 large sweet potatoes
    • 5ml salt
    • 200ml fresh orange juice
    • 25ml honey
    • 5ml orange rind, finely grated
    • 100ml sherry
    • 2ml ground cinnamon
    • 10ml brown sugar
    • 100g butter



    Preheat the oven to 180°C.


    Scrub the potatoes well. Cover with cold water in a large pot, add the salt and half cook them for about 5 minutes.


    Remove from the water and cut into large wedges.


    Heat a griddle pan to smoking hot, chargrill the wedges on each side then arrange them in a 23cm casserole dish.


    Mix the orange juice, honey, orange rind and sherry in a pot. Bring to the boil and pour the mixture over the sweet potato wedges. Sprinkle with the cinnamon and sugar, and dot with pieces of butter.


    Bake uncovered until soft and lightly browned on top, about 45 – 60 minutes. Serve while still hot.


    Cook's tip: For variation, add meat or chicken to the casserole.