To make our cover recipe, omit the beetroot chips and hummus. Serve the beetroot salsa with 100g goat’s cheese, toasted ciabatta and mixed olives. Garnish with beetroot baby…
Print Recipe Brie and beetroot served with a grape and balsamic reduction jelly Serves: 4 Cooking Time: 1 hr 10 mins Ingredients 100ml balsamic vinegar 125ml (½ cup) dry red wine 60ml (¼ cup) sugar 250ml (1 cup) red grapes, halved 5ml (1 tsp) gelatine 20ml (4 tsp) water 300g Brie, quartered Melba toast, to
Print Recipe Penne with pesto, rosa tomatoes and walnuts Serves: 4 Cooking Time: 15 mins Instructions 1 Heat 125g ready-made pesto in a frying pan and toss through 250g Rosa tomatoes. Cook 400g penne in plenty of salted water until al dente and drain. Pour the pasta into a large serving dish and toss through
Light broad bean, Greek yoghurt and mint soup is as tasty as it is beautiful. This light green soup is flecked with mint leaves and bright, glossy broad beans.…
The star of the show is the no-stir tomato risotto, which happily simmers away on the stove, leaving you to get on with the rest of the dish.…