Print Recipe Hazelnut and Nutella chocolate torte Serves: 12 Cooking Time: 1 hour and 15 minutes Ingredients BASE 50g hazelnuts, roasted 150g coconut biscuits 30ml (2 tbsp) cocoa powder 15ml (1 tbsp) icing sugar 70g butter CHOCOLATE TORTE FILLING 300g dark chocolate (70% cocoa solids), roughly chopped 80g butter 1/3 cup Nutella chocolate spread 60ml
Print Recipe Vegetarian dark chocolate fondant Serves: 4 Cooking Time: 30 mins Ingredients 250g 70% dark chocolate 250g butter 5 eggs 5 egg yolks 125g castor sugar 90g cake flour + extra, to dust dried biscuit crumbs, to serve Instructions 1 Preheat the oven to 180°C. Melt the chocolate and butter together in a double
Print Recipe Peanut butter and chocolate milk stout ice cream with pecan nut praline Serves: 8 Cooking Time: 20 minutes + overnight, to freeze Ingredients ICE CREAM 340ml (1 bottle) Castle Milk Stout Chocolate Infused 500ml (2 cups) fresh cream 6 large egg yolks 250ml (1 cup) milk 165g (¾ cup) sugar 125ml (½ cup)
Experiment with different biscuit bases and with white chocolate for variation.
Recipe by Anna Montali Photography by Graeme Borchers If you liked this recipe, then you will definitely also enjoy these coffee and/or chocolate cake recipes: Coffee, dark chocolate and hazelnut meringue layer cake Mini chocolate sponges with coffee meringue icing
Print Recipe Chocolate chilli pots Serves: 6 Cooking Time: 15 mins plus extra for setting Ingredients 250ml (1 cup) fresh cream 200g chilli chocolate, plus extra to serve 2 large egg yolks 45ml (3 tbsp) good brandy 100g unsalted butter Instructions 1 Heat the cream in a pot until just boiling. Remove from the heat
Print Recipe Chocolate truffle torte Serves: 1 Cooking Time: 40 mins Ingredients BASE 350g biscotti 150g butter, melted 5ml ground allspice FILLING 250ml fresh cream 500g 70% dark chocolate, finely chopped STRAWBERRIES 250g strawberries 30ml castor sugar 25ml vermouth per slice, to serve Instructions 1 To make the base, grind the biscotti to coarse crumbs
This is a Delia Smith-inspired recipe. For best results, serve the risotto immediately and keep portions small as it is very rich.
A great alternative to the usual winter porridge. The baked oatmeal is firm to the touch but still slightly moist. Serve it warm with yoghurt or milk
This amazing recipe is the ideal treat for any occasion – it is so easy to prepare, and the flavours work perfectly together.
The subtle fresh ginger flavour goes wonderfully with the dark chocolate in this dessert. Do not be tempted to overbake as it can easily dry out. It is best served moist and gooey.
In Notting Hill (1994) the characters compete for the last brownie after dinner
This gorgeous chocolate fondant recipe is comes courtesy of Kurland, voted as a top 20 culinary destination, and housed on one of the country’s most scenic coastlines. Recipe by Leon Coetzee Photographs by Myburgh du Plessis
Have you ever had a sweet omelette before? What about a chocolate soufflé omelette with toffee-apple wedges? This is a wickedly indulgent treat for the resident sweet-tooth.